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Webinar: New User Orientation (50:16)

This webinar details the basics of System Surveyor’s physical security tools and how the software aims to find solutions to all of the most common challenges that site surveyors and security system integrators face. This is a great video for new users and current users looking for a refresh on some of our product features. Roughly 82% of security and IOT system projects are still done on paper. Not only is this messy and hard to keep up with, but it is also not scalable. System Surveyor stepped in to fix this, providing a collaborative platform that allows stakeholders to stay up-to-date on the project at all times. Learn more about our security management platform and how our many different features and tools can help make your projects more efficient and hassle free.

Audio Transcription


Laura Newell:       Thank you for joining us, today. My name is Laura Newell with System Surveyor. I’d like to welcome you to our training webinar focused on new user orientation. A few housekeeping items. Please note that we have had a great response to today’s webinar. So our participants are placed on mute. But at any time during this session, feel free to use the Q&A icon and the Zoom webinar interface and we’ll address all questions at the end of the session.

                              Also, please note we are recording this webinar, so look for an email from me, usually by the end of the day. So if you miss something or you want to share with a colleague, you will have that recording in your inbox. With that, I’d like to turn it over to Chris Hugman, founder and CEO of System Surveyor.

Chris Hugman:      Thank you, Laura. I want to thank everyone here for joining and jumping on the webinar to hear a little bit about System Surveyor, maybe pick up a few tips. Just by way of background, I’m the CEO and co-founder at System Surveyor. So I really appreciate you guys being here. I spent 16 years in the system integrator role, and so I know a lot of you are in that same role, whether sales or design or maybe on the tech collaboration side.

                              I understand that a lot of the challenges of that business – of course, every business is a bit different – but it’s a tough business. A lot of different technologies. A whole wide variety of customer expectations. So I get it. It’s tough. We want to try to help make that a little bit better. In my case, I needed to streamline the process because I couldn’t find the technology, I developed System Surveyor to help solve that need, and found a broader need in the market. So that’s where we are today, and about four or five years in.

                              Our mission at System Surveyor is to help you as the technology professional deliver on the promise of technology to your customers. So your customers have an expectation and we want to make sure that you meet that. There are some other folks, I think that are more what we call the end user side, or the system manager, technology manager side. You have customers, well. You have those internal customers that you need to support and satisfy. So we do appreciate you being here and we want to help you with that.

                              I’m not sure you found System Surveyor. Maybe it was a friend or somebody that referred you to us, which we really appreciate. What we really want to do, now that you’re here, is deliver an experience to you that you want to go talk about. We know that we’re only going to be successful if we can make our users successful. It’s a core value that we all here at Systems Surveyor – we call it mutual success mindset. That is whether it’s me, or Laura or Sean or Paul or anyone else on our team, we want to truly understand the challenges that you’re facing and figure out how can we help with that. It’s really a core focus and we have a great team behind that to deliver that. With that, I’ll cut my comments off and let you get to the good stuff. Sean does a great job on these webinars. Again, thanks for being with us and thanks for being part of the Systems Surveyor Community.

Laura Newell:       Thank you, Chris, for joining us, today. With that, we’ll turn it over to my partner in crime, today Sean Petty, who many of you probably know on a first name basis. He was in charge of customer success. Sean can you hear me OK?

Sean Petty:            I can hear you just fine, Laura. Can you hear me?

Laura Newell:       Yes, sir.

Sean Petty:            Fantastic. Hello, everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name is Sean Petty. I’m a customer success specialist, here, at Systems Surveyor. I know, a ton of esses I get used to, as well. What I’m going to be going through today, just a little bit of an agenda. We’re going to go into covering the basics. What was the original challenge and what did we step up to the plate with?

                              We’re also going to go into a live platform overview showing you what System Surveyor looks like, not only on the web version but on the iPad, as well. Then we’ll go into a Q&A session for those that have any questions to dome through.

                              As we get into this, what we were seeing in the industry – and I imagine a lot of you guys can really relate to this picture as either a prior state or something that you’ve seen before. We found that 82 percent, roughly, of security and IoT system projects were still being designed using paper floor plans and spreadsheets. Not only that but maybe paperclips and photos that were printed out that were just attached to said paper.

                              The problem with this is it’s just not very scalable. It’s pretty messy and it’s noticing that you would really like to present to the customer. It’s also very error prone. So as someone looking at this picture if they said let’s drop a camera, here, and this one said, no, I want to drop a camera there, you got to get out the White Out and that’s not always the most fun thing.

                              What we came to the table with here is a customer engagement software. Something that allows you to not only design with yourself, but be able to co-design with your customer, to win those jobs. So it’s more of a collaborative piece for you to be able to say, great. Is this something that you’d like here? Is this something that you’d like there? And being very easily able to make those changes there on the fly.

                              And when you’re talking about getting all of this stuff done, the quicker it is and the more that you get that sign-off done, great. You’re onto the next process. You’re onto the next bid. So that really just doubles your productivity there on your sales front and increases your profit margins.

                              As we get into this, let’s get into the live platform overview. I’m going to go ahead and start sharing my screen, if you bear with me just one moment. Laura, are you seeing my System Surveyor screen?

Laura Newell:       Yes, sir. I sure can.

Sean Petty:            Fantastic. This is what the home screen of System Surveyor looks like. This is going to be your homepage. This is going to show your list of sites. What I mean by sites, such as my sample site, here, these are going to be the projects or locations that you’re working on. You’ve seen people name these after the jobs that they’re doing or the brand of building that they’re working on. And you can have as many of these here as you’d like. This is what’s called a workbench. So other people can have their own different workbenches, especially as you have different sites within your team.

                              As you click into a site, like my sample site, here, within live your surveys. You could have as many surveys here as you’d like because we understand that not every project has just one floor plan. Some have multiple. Whether it’s multiple floors of interior floor plan or whether it’s several sections of exterior floor plans, you’ve got those.

                              This is what we like to call the Site Overview Page. So not only is this going to show you the surveys that live within that site, but it’s also going to give you information on what the site is, the information and who has access to it. Who’s our contacts and even our team permissions, here. So we’re going to start here at the lefthand side of the page.

                              Here at the top you’ve got the information on the site. So this is my sample site. It’s in this city, Anytown, California. You can add labels and references to it, as you have those internal processes. It’ll show you who it was created by, when it was created, whether it’s active or inactive. It will also show you your contacts. So these are people that can be part of the project, whether it’s an internal contact that may not have a license with System Surveyor, or it’s a contact, as the customer for that job. You can have them in your contacts list.

                              A really cool about this, as we talk about the different kinds of contacts and what they can do, with our scale plan and above you also have the ability to have contacts as editors. We call these guest users. You can invite people to come in and make edits to the surveys on that site. We’ll get into that a little bit later in the process, as well.

                              We also have our teams permissions, here. This really handy especially as you have different team members that need to have access to different things on your workbench. You can really get granular on who all in your team has what access and add exceptions for those who need them. So this is a really good way of narrowing down not only who has access to my data but what do they have to do to it. Are the able to edit it, or are they only able to read it?

                              As we get into looking at the wonderful picture that is the site overview page, we’ll talk about creating new surveys. So getting started. Even if there’s nothing here. I have a few projects, here. Let’s go ahead and get started on a new one. Doing that is insanely easy. You can do so by clicking new survey, here on the top right of the page, and it’s going to take you right through a flow of getting the floor plan imported, or starting your survey as needed.

                              When you click “Start New Survey,” it’s going to give you four different options, first of which is local resource. Clicking on this is going to open up the file explorer on your competitor, or the finder app if you’re on a Mac. This is going to allow you to choose the file. We accept P&G, PDF, and jpeg files. So as long as you have those on your competitor you can have those in there.

                              If you have a photo enabled device, like the laptop I’m working on right now is a photo enabled device, I can also snap a picture of that floor plan if I have a paper floor plan on my desk, or I’m working with a fire escape plan on the back of a door. You can start that way, as well. I can start from a blank canvas, using QuickStart, and I can use the annotations tool that I’ll be showing to draw boxes, circles, put arrows where you need to so you can draw that plan from scratch if you have none of these options available.

                              And then one of my personal favorites, Google Maps, where it allows you to take an overhead shot, like what you saw in that Site Overview Page, where it had my exterior. Or you can use the Google Maps if you had to pluck that picture, drag and drop icons onto it and do everything there. For today’s example, I’m going to choose local resource. I’m going to choose something from my computer, here, which is my sample floor plan.

                              When I do that and I choose my file, it’s going to take me to a survey preparation screen. This is where I can get all the work started in order to get this survey in. And this is where I can go through and I can name it. It’ll have a generic name, such as the name of the site survey and then a number. I can name this whatever I like. So If I’m going to name this First Floor Survey.

                              I can have an address attached to it. I can add a descriptive label, anything I need to, here. I can even, if I have multiple folders on my site, I can choose if it goes into a folder or it just goes to the site dashboard. That’s one part of this process.

                              The next one is a super important one and this is Cropping and Setting your Scale. As I click on that option, which is here on the picture, it’ll take me to a page to first crop it. Now, this image here is already pretty nicely cropped. I don’t need to do a ton of work to it. But if I wanted to crop this even further – let’s say you had an image that had a lot of white space, or if you get a PDF of what used to be a CAD drawing and it had a ton of different information on a site that you don’t’ necessarily need to import – you can crop it by dragging and dropping dots on the edges of the box, there, to crop that to your liking.

                              You can also use the rotate button at the bottom of the screen, here, to rotate this drawing in 80/90 degree angle that you need. That way you have it rotated to your plan. Once I’m done cropping it, I’ll click the check mark on the top right of the page, and this is going to take me into the scale process. Now, people may ask, Sean, why do I need to scale my drawing? Scaling is super important for things such as area of coverage on a camera, for instance.

                              As you’re talking to a customer and I maybe want to drag and drop a camera into this reception area. It may be good for me to know what the distance of coverage is, the depth of that camera to go from the center of this room to the reception. This is where you can really set that scale at the very beginning.

                              Or another example. As you’re maybe running cable paths, or you’re trying to do and measure cable lines. This is something that will allow you to be able to tell the system this is the distance from h ere to here. And setting that scale is pretty easy, as well. I’m going to go ahead and zoom, here. And to set the scale, you’ll drag one of these red arrows to a set distance that you know. So, for instance, I’m going to use this hallway and I’m going to be pretty rough, here. But I can set my distance. Once I have that distance, there, I can click “set” at the top of the page and then I can tell the platform this is the distance between these two red arrows. So if I know this is a standard six-foot hallway, I can type “6” in there, or if I’m working with a project that may have metric measurement, I can choose metric, as well.

                              Another thing on this page is the ability to allow you to choose your default element icon size for that drawing. We have attached a note, here. Don’t worry, this doesn’t carry over whenever you start your floor plan. So you don’t have to worry about taking this out of your materials. This is just an example element that allows you to say, all right, if I have a project that may be of a larger of a document and I need my icons to be smaller, I can go through and I can select “element icon size” to make these as small or as large as I would like. I’m going to pick a happy medium, here, and I’m going to click “save.”

                              Once I’ve done that, it’s going to take me back to this page. If it takes me back, here, I know I’ve done my job right and I can go ahead and hit click “save,” again, here at the top part of the page to get started on my job.

                              It’s going to take you straight to the edit screen, from here. So it’s going to allow you to go through and make any edits. When I say make any edits, this can be dragging and dropping icons onto the floor plan. This can be changing and attribute on an element. We’ll go over what that means here very quickly. When I talk about what I can drag and drop onto the floor plan, here, you’ll see here on the left hand side of my page, I have these different types, such as “video surveillance” access control, all the way down to facility equipment, building management or healthcare. These are what we call system types. And under each system type, such as “video surveillance,” live elements.                             

                              Elements can be things such as fixed cameras, multilens cameras, things like VMS software in VR DVR for video surveillance, or for access control, and maybe things like card readers, panic buttons, ACS control controllers, everything else that you need there. Adding one of these to the floor plan, such as maybe I’m starting my job with a fixed camera in that reception area like I talked about at the very beginning. I can add it to my floor plan by clicking and dragging it onto the floor plan, where I need it.

                              Now I’m going to drag it into the corner, here, and I’m going to have it face these double doors here at the top. What you’ve noticed is as I drug that camera on the floor plan, I have another window that pops up, called “area of coverage.” I can drag this over as I need. This is going to show you an option to be able to move, using the arrows on the either side of this area coverage, which is that kind of translucent orange area, there. I can use the arrows to make the depth longer. I can use the ones on the sides to make my angle go up and down. As I change that, you’ll notice the little change, here, as well. So it’s always recorded. So if I wanted my camera to watch that area, I’m going to go ahead and click “done.” I can actually move it where I would like it, and I can always get back to my coverage area and change that as needed.

                              What you’ll also see here is another menu, called “camera advisor.” Camera advisor is a really cool built-in tool that we have that tells you based on your angle and your depth of view, here, and what recognition level you need. So whether it’s general surveillance at 20 pixels per foot, detection at 40, recognition at 60 or identification at 80, it’ll say based on that angle and depth, what’s the minimum required resolution that you should have on that camera? So at a 53 degree angle, at a depth of 24 feet, it’s recommending I choose at least a two megapixel camera.

                              So I can either click “done” to go drag and drop more elements onto this floor plan, or I can actually click on attributes, here, from this window, as well, and it’ll take me right to that window where I can go through and I can start adding my information on there. For instance, what you’ll see here is all the information you could ever gather on this camera and you’ll have your different tabs, such as “main,” here, which will have things like your descriptive label, your room location, even down to the manufacturer, the model number, the price. Even your area of coverage angle that goes straight from that coverage menu. But you’lll also have tabs, like installation , that’ll have all sorts of information on maybe who’s the installing party, or is it interior, exterior? What are the mount surfaces? What’s the kind of bracket? Even down to functionality uses. Like what kind of camera is it? Let’s get in-depth on what kind of camera it is. You’ll have things such as maintenance, configuration, activity log and accessories.

                              What you’ll notice here is that some of these fields, like descriptive label, room location, installation status, these all have blue stars next to them. Now, any field with a blue star next to it means this is a field that can be pre-field what’s called and “element profile.” An element profile is a pre-determined set list of catalog, really. So I can use my element profiles for my different kinds of cameras that I have and I can choose and prefill that information with. I can always talk about that, but let’s show you what that looks like.

                              So I can choose from element profiles that I have already preloaded into our system in my team, exactly. And we can always go through at the very end how to get those in. But I can go through and I can click on this dropdown, here. It’ll show me my entire catalog of fixed cameras that I have in my system. And I remember going back to that camera advisor and it says, oh, well, it released me a two-megapixel camera. I can even use a search feature, here, to say, “Let’s look at only my two-megapixel cameras,” and I can go through and I can choose from the list I have.

                              So for this one I’m going to go ahead and choose my Hanwha two-megapixel indoor varifocal. When I choose that, you’ll notice that some of this information has been prefilled, which is great. Saves a lot of time, especially as you’re dropping one camera and adding that information, dropping another camera, adding that information. But you’ll see that not only did my manufacturer number model number update, but my price did, as well. Under installation I have some fields that were set, but under functionality this is the bread and butter where I have all of this information on what kind of camera it is. Anything that I need to there. That’s tracked.

                              And what’ll you’ll notice here, as well, is I had two URLs that popped up here at the top of this “attributes” window. With any element profile, you can have up to two URLs that are included here. A great example for this kind of camera is let’s say I’m walking through with that customer and they’re saying, well, what kind of camera is that, or what does it look like? I can actually attach a URL to that element right on it and it’ll take me to something maybe like a spec sheet to say this is the exact camera that we’re dropping here. This what we’re recommending, these are the specs for everything that you need to see, here. Or maybe for an installer this is also great information. Because you can also treat this as an as-built to say, when you’re installing it, use the network manual. So this is the installation steps. Everywhere that you need to see in order to get that in. So you can have those documents that are stored there in that “attributes” window.

                              This is just looking at the attributes for a camera. Every single element will have their own kind of attributes that are there. Because, for instance, for access control, we know that a camera is a lot different than a door on the information that I need to track. This brings to another point, here. When I’m going through and I’m adding my different kinds of information, I can go through it and I can drag them individually or I can even package them.

                              This is where I’ll get into the difference between elements and element containers. As we’re looking at the different kinds of elements, here, such as an example of server, or automatic door, or card reader, or single door, you’ll notice that – and I know it may be a little hard to see, so I’m going to go ahead and zoom in, here. You’ll notice that some of these elements have no borders around them, like “server,” here. Some of them have borders around them, like my “single door.” Those element icons that have those borders around them are what are called element containers. These are elements that you can actually drop other elements into as a package.

                              So, for instance, let’s go through and let’s drag a single door. Let’s say I’m working on this north hallway, here. I can drag a single door where I need to here. I’m going to go ahead and zoom in. And I have my door, here. We all know a door is not always just a door when you’re talking about access control. Let’s say I want to add to that door a card reader. I can go through and I can drag and drop and I can actually add that card reader to that door. Maybe an electric lock set to that door. Let’s even do an electric strike. I can add it to that door. It looks like I actually didn’t drag that electric lockset on, so there we go.

                              What you’ll see here is now I just have one element icon on my floor plan that’s showing me a door. I can expand it to show what’s inside of it. You’ll also see I’ve got my element icon, it’s pretty small, but you’ll see a number there that shows you how many elements live inside of it. I can also go into that same attributes tab, and now you’ll see the information that I have for my doors, such as my name, installation, functional maintenance. Everything that I need to, here.                       

                              But now you’ll notice here at the top of the page I also have different tabs for the different devices that I have drug on. So for instance, my electric lock set I have information that I can gather, here. My electric strike, I have that information. My card reader, I can go through and I can toggle that and I can see all the information that’s there and that’s readily available. That way, you can go through and you can track these kinds of devices that are on these doors without having to clutter your floor plan with all sort of stuff different element icons.

                              Now, I just did all of that work to create that package, there, but I’ve still got four more doors on this hallway. I don’t worry about having to really drag everything else on over and over and over and over again. We also have a duplicate feature. So if I wanted that same door on all of these offices, here, I can drag and drop, duplicate. Drag and drop, duplicate. Drag and drop, duplicate. And I can go through and I can add as many of these doors as I’d like.

                              One of the cool things is, here, let’s go into the attributes on one of these. It still has those same devices attached. So each of these will have an electric lockset, an electric strike and a card reader. This is really a means to make edits on a floor plan on the web version. So once I’m done with my work, let’s go ahead and let’s save this. I’ve saved it and said, well done, success. Now, let’s look at what the iPad looks like, here. While I switch over there, Laura, were there any pressing questions?

Laura Newell:       Yes, sir. There is two. Sean, how do you change the element number when you make a mistake?

Sean Petty:            Changing the element number. I imagine we’re speaking about the ID, here, that’s underneath the element itself?

Laura Newell:       Yes.

Sean Petty:            This is absolutely editable. As you go into the attributes tab, that’s going to be the field at the very top, here, under “name.” So if you needed to change what this is, we have a default that’s set her in the system. So for single doors it’s 1DR-001, for fixed cameras, it’s Fcam-00, or 0 whatever number is there that you edited in. If you ever need to edit this, you can go into attributes, make your edits as needed, and then just save that information and it’ll update what you have there.

Laura Newell:       Thank you. Then another question: Can you layer start out of a DWG file?

Sean Petty:            So we do not take DWG at this moment. We’re working on getting a better import process there. For now, the only files types that we support are PNG, J-Peg and PDF.

Laura Newell:       Along those lines, like CAD, can you layer each floor so there’s one layer for intrusion, another for fire, another for access, another for video?

Sean Petty:            That’s a great question. There’s not going to be different floor plans that are going to be layered like that, but we do have a layering tool, here. As you see, I have two different kinds of devices on there, such as my video surveillance and my access control. You can actually filter here on this page by system time. That filtering option is going to be found h ere at the top of the page. It’s going to look like a couple of stacked sticky notes. As I click on it. It’s going to give me my view survey options. This is where I can go in and I can say, “Only show me my access control.” So I can uncheck everything but my access control, and it’ll only show me that. If I ever wanted to toggle something else on, I can go through and say, all right, show me just my video surveillance, as well.

                              Not only do you have this ability to filter on the floor plan, itself, by you also have the ability to filter when you run reports that we’ll show at the later part of this presentation.

Laura Newell:       There was a question: When I drag one icon over another, they don’t combine, a network rack and switch, for example.

Sean Petty:            So a network rack and switch. You’ve really got to be careful on what you’re dragging onto. When we’re talking about what icons can be drug into, the ones with orders around them are the containers, versus those that are not. So if you’re trying to drag something into a network switch, I can see why that doesn’t work because the network switch is not a container element. You would drag the network switch onto the rack, or as long as it has that border around it, it can act as a container.

Laura Newell:       Perfect. He said, “Got it, thanks.”

Sean Petty:            Fantastic. anything else there, Laura, before I move onto what the iPad looks like?

Laura Newell:       Nope. I think it’s time to see the iPad.

Sean Petty:            Let’s go ahead and click “save,” here, just to make sure any edits that I made are current. Let’s go into what the iPad looks like. So what you’re looking at here is just my simulated iPad here, on my screen. This is going to be a direct correlation of what I’m holding here in my hands. But this what the System Surveyor apps looks like when you log in. So this is going to be your workbench. This is going to be your list of sites, here. It’s going to mirror what you have on the web version, as well. So the list of sites that you have on your web, is going to mirror what you have on your iPad, as well.

                              As I click into my sample site, here, you’re going to see all of the different surveys that I have. You can see that test folder I had, the interior floor plan. I already had marked up my exterior floor plan. But now what you see is you have one without an icon on it. And what you’ll see underneath some of these are what are called statuses. Under my exterior it shows synced. Under my first floor sample survey it says download. And this is the first floor survey that I’ve just created. It also says download.

                              The reason that you need to download these floor plans or download these surveys onto your iPad is because the iPad and Android tablets – we also work on Android tablets – allows you to work offline. So you can actually, as I click on download, here, at the bottom of my first floor survey. You can download that floor plan straight from the web version when you’re on internet. So whether it’s Wi-Fi or cellular. You can download it onto your iPad then go completely offline and make your edits. This is great because not every job site has internet. Especially when you’re out in more remote areas as you’re working, you may not have a cellular enabled tablet, or there just may be no Wi-Fi available. You can work offline and make those changes.

                              Once I’ve download – and I’m going to actually download both of these, here, you’ll see that it’ll say “synced” under my surveys. So it’ll show that these are ready to be worked on, especially as I go offline. I’m going to click into the one that we just created, here. And it’ll take me to my survey overview page. As you can see, you can see the doors that I created, the camera that I had here. I can go into “edit survey” here at the top o the page. Once I hit that, it’s going to take me to something very similar to what you saw on the web version, “my edit page,” where I can see my system types on the left hand side and the elements that live underneath them. Such as another fixed camera, or anything else I need to, there.

                              But this is where you can also edit what’s already here. One of the things I love about the iPad is the availability to make changes very quickly and then you can also take pictures of them. So, for instance, let’s drag another camera here into the corner of this office, here, right above that door. Just like on the web version, I can go through and I can change my area of coverage. And I can do everything I need to there. As I go into attributes, now, you’ll notice that I have a camera option, here at the top of the page that I can very easily on my tablet click on and it’ll open up the camera.

                              So I can say, as I’m looking at the corner of that room, here, I can snap a picture and I can even annotate it. So if I wanted to, what you’re looking at here is just a blank wall. I could add a circle, here, to say camera is going to go on this wall, here. I can use my pencil icon to say that it’s going to be pointing this way. Or I can even add text boxes to say “make sure it’s below the light.” And I’ve got that there. When I click “done” that photo is saved to that device. So as I go through and I say, great, I have this camera, here. Anyone else who comes in and views this plan now has that example photo. Especially as this is maybe a perspective camera. Something that isn’t already there. It’s very easy for someone to as they go on and install it have where that needs to go or where it needs to be.

                              You can also do any sort of other pictures, here. I love giving the examples of doors. So not only do I have the availability to take a photo of just the door, but I can also now have multiple photos, here. So I can take photos of my electric lock set. I can take a photo of the strike. I can take a photo of the reader. This is also comes in handy if you’re taking photos of what’s available or what’s already there as you’re wanting to track what’s there as needed.

                              So if I was tracking and this camera was something that was already there, I can go into the attributes and under “name” there’s an installation status. This is going to be super important. Maybe this is something that’s already in place. I can track that. So now, as I have my same filtering tool, I can also filter by installation status. So if I wanted to show somebody what’s in place, which is just one camera, versus what’s proposed, I can have what’s there as needed. So it’s a very cool way of layering within the software.

                              So I have this information, here. It’s ready. It’s available. And let’s say I’ve done my work. I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to save this. I’m going to back out to my survey overview. I’m going to back out to my site dashboard. And now, uh-oh, I no longer have “synced” underneath this first floor survey. Don’t panic. That just means that you have edits that were made on the iPad that don’t quite sync up to what’s on the web version.

                              So once I’ve made my edits to what I downloaded, I now need to upload this. As I click upload, and I need to upload one time on internet. So once I have my Wi-Fi or my cellular enabled available, I can click upload. And what it’s asking me is: You’ve made changes. After you upload this, do you want to keep your edit access, or do you want to release it for the next person to come in and do their job? I’m going to keep edit access, in this instance. It’s going to go through and it’s going to upload it just like that and it’s going to show the changes that I made on the web version, as well. So it’s always up-to-date. So whether I’m doing a job here in Texas, and Paul is in the office in Chicago, he can see the changes that I made here in Texas with the click of button.

                              Now, as I go back into my web version, here, this refreshes the page. Now you can see that camera that I added on my iPad, and I can even see the photo that I took, as well, from said iPad. So it’s really cool way to have that information stored. It’s a great place to really say if I’m sending someone off to a jobsite that’s hours or states or even countries away, I can say, “make your changes on your iPad, update them,” and when I’m here in the office I can make those changes or I can do anything else that’s there, as well.

                              That’s really it for the editing process on both the web version and the iPad. Laura, did we have any other questions before we move on to maybe some basic reporting?

Laura Newell:       Yes. We have some great questions. Real quick, Sean, can you show us how you zoom in and out of this so that people with eyesight like myself might be able to see it better?

Sean Petty:            Absolutely. As I’m hovering with my mouse on the floor plan, itself, I’m using the wheel on my mouse to zoom in as much as I need, or to zoom out as much as I need. I know I’ve got a pretty big screen, here. So I can go through and I can zoom in. Now you can see that 3 next to 1VR003. But this is so you can zoom in and do you work as needed. I know one of the tricks as you’re looking at maybe a browser like Chrome, if you need to zoom in the page, generally, “control and plus” on your keyboard should do the trick.

Laura Newell:       Thank you. Is there a way to move one picture from one drawing, to another?

Sean Petty:            There’s not a way to do this super organically. But this is a photo that you can always download. So as I go through and maybe I wanted to add that picture to my Hanwha camera in reception, instead of my camera in that hallway, there. I can always go through – I can download this photo. So if I needed to save this image, I can do so. It’s nice and downloaded there. And I can actually attach it to another photo. So if I needed to add an image, I can add one that I just saved.

Laura Newell:       Two more quick questions. Can you save the layers separately?

Sean Petty:            So that’s a great question. Whenever you have different floor plans for different things – and this is a use case that we see, as well. Instead of having just one floor plan with layering, here, that you can toggle on and off and everything lives on the same floor plan, since there’s no cap to the amount of surveys that you can have within a site, what we’ll see people do is they’ll start with a base survey and they’ll make duplicates of it and they’ll have different layers of everything here. So I’ll have my first floor survey access control. First floor survey video first floor survey detection. Anything I need to there. They can have multiple surveys for that. But it’s not going to have the same functionality as you would in the CAD that has the pages of the same floor plan that are just toggled.

Laura Newell:       To duplicate a floor plan, you just tap the three buttons, here.

Sean Petty:            Absolutely. To duplicate, you hit the three buttons at the bottom, or three dots here at the bottom right. You’ll just duplicate and it duplicates it for you.

Laura Newell:       [00:37:47]Somebody did say a little tidbit of help here is could you not run a report on each layer?

Sean Petty:            Yes, you can run a report on each layer. When we’re talking about the different kinds of reports that you can run, not only do you have that layering feature within the edit, but as you run your reports, such as maybe my building materials or my floor plan, I have filtering that I can do within. So I can check and uncheck what I have there, as well. So if I only wanted to run a report on the access control that is already in place, I can go through and I can run that, versus what’s already there or everything all at once.

Laura Newell:       This might be a perfect opportunity to run through some of these reports, now that we’re here.

Sean Petty:            As I toggled over to my report tab that you’ll see whenever you go through it. And I’ll show what that path looks like again. Let’s go to another survey that I have here, my first floor sample survey. As I click into that survey, it’ll default onto the layout tab. When I toggle over to reports, it’ll give me a couple of kinds of reports that I can run, here. It’ll default to the enhanced reports page, where I can run things like my building materials, which is going to show me a list of all of the different prices that I have on my floor plan, everything else that I’ve added there. Then, of course, I can go through and I can filter. I can name to whatever I need to.

                              I have my photo tour. That will show me just a PDF run report of all of my different photos that I have attached, my floor plan, my floor plan with legend, or even my [unintelligible 39:22] report. As I talk about building materials, let’s go ahead and run one. I’m going to keep everything checked and I’m going to just keep that as its name and I’m going to click “create PDF.” What you’ll notice is it didn’t just automatically start downloading on my page, but I can view all of my reports that I run, here, under “created reports.” So you can see that I ran a building materials on my first floor sample survey. I can download it. I can preview it, here. This is what that’s going to look like.

                              You’re going to have your standard first page. That will have your logo at the top. Ours just has systems survey logo, but you can add your own, here. That’s going to have the name of the site and the location, the name of the survey, the date. And then it’s going to go into that standard bomb 40:09] of out access control. These are the amount of access controls that I have. So have all of my single doors, my double doors, my card readers, everything tallies, there.

                              As every single different thing that you have, whether it’s infrastructure, whether it’s information technology, or even my different kinds of cameras, you can see it even separates out by make and model, as well. So out of my three fixed cameras, two are he Hanwha QNV-8080Rs. So it’ll have those separate out, as well. So as you have your manufacturers and your model numbers on there, it’ll separate it out on the building materials. So this is something that you can very quickly run and export in at any given time. So you can have that there, as well.

                              Not only enhanced reports, but you also have what’s called “classic reports.” We call these classic because these were the first reports that we had whenever we started this. Under “classic reports” I have things that are pretty similar to the enhanced reports that I have. So I’ve got my filtering, here, at the top. But I have my different parts of reports that I can run. I’ve got my summary pages, my layouts, my totals by element containers, cable pathing, even down to the photo tour, or just a raw dump of element detail.

                              This is where I like to talk about the different kinds of report that you can build. Where enhanced reports are pre-built and I ran up building materials that I can choose one at a time. With the classic reports, I can really build what kind of report I’m wanting to run. So if I want one document with my summary, my layout, my totals by element and my photo tour, I can choose that, and I can export it. I can name it, and it’ll live under my creator reports, just like my enhanced reports did. This one had quite a few things on it so it’s going to take a moment to go. There we go.

                              As I preview it, now it’s one document that has my summary, my layout, my totals by element, my totals by element detail. And as we go back down, my photo tours. So all of the different photos that I’ve taken for that floor plan. So these are the few different kinds of reports that you can build within the System Surveyor platform.

                              If you have scale option and above, you also get the option of Excel reports are just that. It’s a raw data dump of the information that you need. So, for instance, if I wanted all the information on my elements, my [unintelligible 42:34] dates, my cable paths, I can go through “choose elements” and I can export and from my created reports, download. I’ll actually download this and open it for you guys, here. It’ll give me that Excel file of all of my different elements and all of my different things there that I can see. And it’ll separate them out page-wise.

                              So I’ve got first page, which has all of my information from all of my different elements. But when I can go into the different elements, themselves, to say, let’s look at my electric lock sets, or let’s look at my double doors. I can see the information and this is all the information that you put under attributes, as well. So you can have your export that’s here, as needed. And that is reporting. Laura, was there anything else you wanted me to cover on this side?

Laura Newell:       We have a few questions on how do you add your logo to the report?

Sean Petty:            That’s going to be done by an admin on your team settings. So as we go back to our homepage. Let’s go back to our page of sites. Here at the top left of the page, you’re going to see a user avatar with a blue star next to it. This is going to be where you’re going to click on “profile.” As an admin, you can click under “users” under “team.” As an admin, you can go through and you can edit your logo. You can also edit your team’s name, here. So as you add another image, you can click on the user avatar, click on users and you’ll be here, where you can go through and you edit this.

Laura Newell:       We do have some more questions. Should we stay here or did you want to jump back to anything else before we moved on, there?

Sean Petty:            We can stay here. Whatever works the best.

Laura Newell:       We have a question on element profiles and how you create element profiles or even import them.

Sean Petty:            That’s a great question. So element profiles you can actually – and we’ll go in and Laura will talk about this a little later on what manufacturers we already have. But element profiles can be found on the same window, under “team.’ Right below “users,” you’ve got “element profile.” This is going to show you your list of different elements that you have profiles for. So under video surveillance these are all of the elements that live there.

                              But, for instance, let’s go to my speaker, here. You can see that I have no element profiles here, already. if I wanted to add one and I had less than 40 of these, already, I’d click “add profile” and I could go through and I could add this. I can name as I’d like. But I can also do this in bulk. So as I want to maybe add more than one element profile at a time, I’ll click “export” and it’ll export that CSV file that’s in a very specific format just for the speaker element profile. And it’s going to open and it’s going to allow you to add that information as you need.

                              Now, as I go through this, today, just seeing it once doesn’t always do it justice. We have plenty of videos on our help center on how to get this started. We also have webinar that we have recorded, as well, that goes in-depth over element profiles. I’m going to go ahead and click “enable editing” here. You’re also going to have instructions here on this Excel sheet. So if you ever get lost, you can always refer to this, as well.

                              For instance, you’re going to notice these are something that are very similar. So you’ve your name, installation, functional, maintenance configuration, accessories. These are going to be the different tabs that live in that “attributes” window. And these are the fields that live within them that would have those blue stars. So I can go through and I can start with Column E, and then Column F, Column G, and just go down and name these element profiles and type in the information that’s available there. Once I’ve done all that and I’ve saved that element profile export, I can go through right next to where I clicked “export,” I can click “import.”

                              One thing I will say about the element profile exports, is treat those as living documents. So even if you do one run of maybe an element profile for fixed cameras, and later on you want to add more, you wouldn’t work with a blank Excel sheet and reimport that. Treat it as a living document. So I would just export what I already have. That’s going to show my list of all the element profiles I have already and I just add to the end of it. So maybe as I’ve added my own, and then I go to our manufacturer web page and I download maybe Hanwha’s catalog, I wouldn’t just want to import Hanwha’s because it’ll override what I already have. You would just add Hanwha’s, or add yours to the end of Hanwha’s, so it’s living document, there.

Laura Newell:       Are you able to add notes, like expiration dates, to devices. Like camera was installed on 3-1. Within X amount of time notify users of upcoming expiration?

Sean Petty:            That’s a great question and that’s a great use case, there. Let’s go into my survey that I have a camera. We have something very similar in it. Under the “attributes” there is a tab called “maintenance,” where I can track when that was installed. So, for instance, let’s go into my attributes with this camera, here. Under “maintenance,” I have my installation date, my maintenance frequency. There’s not an alert that exists right now to let you know that it’s coming up on its date, but you can run what’s called a “critical dates report,” that lives under “enhanced” and under “Excel,” as well, but I’ll show you all of the critical dates, here.

                              So, for instance, if this is a quarterly maintenance frequency for my installation, I can run a report that shows based on quarterly from this date, these are the ones that are coming up, or these are all of the dates for all of these devices. And I can also track things like my last inspection date, last inspection performed by, and then under every single tab, here, you’ve got a notes filled that you can track.

                              Another thing I very frequently see and I also recommend, is as changes are made, or as any notes on this device just general notes need to be done,. you can also track them under the activity log on any element. So if I’m going in and I wanted to say log comments checked on this camera, “There was a crack that was replaced on lens.” I contract that and on the activity log you’ll see who made that comment, what the comment was and what it was made. So this is a great way of tracking those kind of internal notes and comments, as well.

Laura Newell:       Can you walk through delivering a quote after making a security plan?

Sean Petty:            Walk through giving a quote. That comes into play on several different things. You’ll notice even here at the top of my Hanwha element here, I’ve got an estimated budget range. So as I type in my price, here, and I’ve got my installation hours and all those into installation hours that you have thee that you’ve billed in individual settings. But as I have this all tallied h would be done in “reports.” I’m going to go ahead and save this, here. As I got into my reports, I have things that are already priced and everything that’s out there I can go through and I can run a classic report and I can have my summary page. And my summary page will show if you add that to your floor plan. I actually did that on my last report that I created. It was on a different survey. I’ll go ahead and run another here.

                              So as I have my summary page, as I have my layout and everything, you can build it to as you’d like. As you export it, it’s going to show that summary of the estimated budget range. So if you wanted to have this very exact. I’ve got mine in a rolling range. So I have my minimum and maximum that can all be set under settings as an admin when you go into profile and the budget estimator at the bottom of the page, above settings. I can give my min and max budget range, whether I want it to be 20 percent. I can set my standard labor rate per hour. And you’ll see how it works here, as well.

Laura Newell:       It was asked about adding notes to drawings?

Sean Petty:            So adding notes to drawings would be done using our annotation tool. So as I go back into this survey, here, if I needed to add a very quick snippet of information, maybe next to t his camera or in this hallway, I can use our annotation tool, which lives at the top right of this edit screen. And I can click on the “A” to drag open a textbox on the floor plan to say, “secured hallway.” So as I have that, I’ll go back and let’s draw a box, her. I can have that note that’s available there. I didn’t choose a different color so it defaulted to red, but you can have this in whatever color that you need. So as maybe I need to move this, I can move it wherever I need to. Or this is a secured hallway, maybe. I can go through and do that. I could add my notes to my floor plan.

Laura Newell:       And you can draw boxes, circles. Can you quickly us quick start feature and how to create a quick floor plan?

Sean Petty:            That’s going to be along the same lines of our annotation tool. Let’s go back to my “survey overview.” I’m not going to save that. We’ll go in and we’ll start a new survey, here. We’ll choose “quick start” and instead of going through a whole scaling and cropping, there’s nothing to scale and crop. It’ll take me straight to a blank edit screen with no floor plan. Now, this is where I can go through with my annotation tool and I can draw boxes. So if this is the building, here, I just kept it all in red. But if I wanted to, I can change it to another color, here. Let’s choose another box and let’s say this is going to be one room, here. This is another room, here. I can create whatever I need to here. Or maybe this is the reception desk. I can add that, as well.

                              And as I draw my annotations and I do what I need to there, I can add text boxes in there, as well. I can go through and I can start dragging and dropping icons on there. So if I wanted this camera to overlook my reception area, I can go through and do the same thing. Now, the one thing that you’re going to have to do here that’s a little extra of this stuff, is you’ll notice that has no scale, so it defaults to a standard scale in our site that says this is maybe 352 feet. Don’t worry about that. If you want to set another scale, I would set – you can have placeholder icons. So if I wanted to drag a placeholder like a note from here to here in the office, and I knew there were landmarks there. I can go through and I can reset scale. It’ll go through and it’ll ask me to set the scale between two things. The only thing that gets difficult, here, is there’s nothing to really reference.

                              So if you’re using “quick start,” I would recommend using that without the scale to begin with. Let’s say you have a floor plan that’s added on after that, you can always go through and replace the floor plan. Let’s say later on you got that floor plan from the client and you were just waiting on it, you can click on replace floor plan and it’ll allow you to choose from your file folder. Great, now I can start with this page and I can crop it and I can scale it, and it’ll drag and drop whatever you need to on there. As I scale, I’m just going to give this a very basic 15 feet, maybe. It’ll do that.

                              Now, I need to rescale my camera. So if I wanted to, let’s make this 12 feet. That’s a bit more manageable. I can have that. And I just need to get rid of the annotations. And I can click on the garbage can and get rid of those annotations I created, before. And now I have icons that I can now drag and drop around this floor plan as I need.

Laura Newell:       Wonderful. Why don’t we on these last few questions, let’s hop back to the PowerPoint for a minute. Any other questions, feel free to put them in the Q&A icon as we walk through some last minute things. Sean, does System Surveyor work with Samsung tablet?

Sean Petty:            Absolutely. It does work with those Android tablets. It’s not just Samsung, but other brands, such as LG, or certain Lenovo Android tablets. We do have an article on our help center that gives you minimum specs. So it has to have a certain Android OS and higher. And have certain REM functionality. You’ll find those on our website, as well.

Laura Newell:       I’m going to launch a quick poll. Your information is greatly appreciated. Especially on Question No. 2. We are kind of starting a new community connect webinar. We value your opinions on if you guys would participate, with some breakout groups where you can talk to others in the community and get some ideas or discuss other options or even sharing element profiles that you’ve created. With that, if you want to hop over to the next slide. We do have our learning center, here, and as Sean had said, we do have our help center and support, frequently asked questions, where you can find some other great valuable information.

                              Sean, is Systems Serveyor on a ThinkPad Yoga or only IOS?

Sean Petty:            So I’m not familiar with the ThinkPad Yoga. If it’s a device that has Android OS, so an Android operating system you the iPad OS, you can use the System Surveyor app. Any other device would just be using the browser. The one thing I will note, here, that is if it’s just using the browser, and not the app, there is no offline capabilities.

Laura Newell:       Thank you. As we had discussed about our element profiles, earlier, and creating your own, we also have manufacture partners. You see Hanwha, ProdataKey, Allied Telesis, IC Realtime, Hikvision, SensoGuard, Verkada, and our newest addition Digital Watchdog. If you go to our partners page and click on any of these logos, it’ll take you to their element profiles, which you can quickly import into systems surveyor and then they’ll all be in your dropdown menus, there. We do have some more. teed up. I think Turing is coming on in just about a week and we’ll have Turing’s element profile shortly. Sean, next page, I believe. You can take this one.

Sean Petty:            As there are any questions or you guys have any comments or recommendations for systems surveyor, let us know. We’re always happy to hear from you. You can contact myself, directly, as a customer success specialist, at [email protected]. You can also reach our support team. A fantastic team. Very friendly people. You can find them at [email protected].

                              If you ever wanted to schedule a demo with systems surveyor and you want to learn a little bit more about it, you can email us at [email protected]. Another thing I’ll point out is at the bottom right of every screen within the Systems Surveyor platform, there’s also a chat bubble that lives there. So if you ever wanted to reach out to our team that way and get a response, really quickly, you can chat out to us, as well.

Laura Newell:       We did have a question on is systems surveyor easy to integrate with other applications?

Sean Petty:            That’s a great question. Our API is still young. I would like to say we need to have a conversation offline about it. I wouldn’t see, depending on what’s there.

Laura Newell:       Right. We’d love to get more information on what you’re looking to integrate with because it is on our roadmap and we’re hoping to have some great things headed your way and in 2022. With that, you guys had some great questions, today. We really appreciate the participation. As I said, before, we are recording this webinar. Look for the email from me, usually by the end of the day, and you can rewatch in your own time or share with a colleague. Sean, I’ll turn it over to you.

Sean Petty:            Thank you everybody who joined, today. Again, feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week and a great start to the new year. Thank you, everybody.

Laura Newell:       Thank you. Bye-bye.