Bridging the Expertise Gap: Where Technology Fits

7 Minute Read

“Believing there is a bridge from where you are to where you want to go is 99% of the battle. The other 1% is to cross it.” This quote from business author Richie Norton depicts the first step of the battle that business leaders face to deliver great customer service.  Technology offers a bridge across this domain expertise divide, providing you with more time to focus on your customers.

In order to provide an excellent customer experience, you need to be equipped with a talented labor force, who display knowledge and domain expertise. While many system integration leaders realize this need, they face an increasing challenge to bridge the expertise gap. Their workforces face changes and fluctuations. Some of their team members retire or move on to other positions, requiring them to bring in new team members. This leads to new training costs on their books in order to make these new employees customer-facing and prepared to do the job effectively. So, how do these integrators bring in new talent to the industry and help them become productive in the least amount of time possible? Keep reading to learn about using an intelligent system design platform to simplify the daily processes your team members face.

Another interesting twist on the expertise gap is the multitude of adjacent markets to tap into. For example, some security integrators are looking to tap into the Audio-Visual business, or vice versa. There’s also a multitude of exciting new technologies entering the industry that would help further and diversify integrators. An example of this is PoE lighting, which would allow a low voltage contractor to engage in lighting projects that were once only the domain of certified electrical engineers. In other areas, new sensors such as Vape detection systems and other technology is in demand. These areas provide new opportunities and create significant business growth potential, but it creates a domain expertise gap that needs to be filled. Each of these new technologies requires new knowledge, which can be filled with new labor from the younger generations.

Just like Richie said, the first step in getting across the divide is to believe there is a bridge, and then to simply cross it. New technologies are constantly entering the market, providing countless opportunities for system design professionals to enhance their process and further their company. Along with this, variation in the labor force and bringing in new talent can also help bridge the gap, or maybe even a combination of both!

Not everything has to be a monumental, time eating endeavor to get to where you and your customers want you to be. Build your bridge across the expertise divide through using an intelligent system design platform. How? Keep reading to find out.

System Surveyor is an intelligent system design platform that creates a way to capture relevant information from a customer without having to be an expert in that field. Each element a customer could want is implemented into the tool with areas for detail inputs, notes, and photos with markups. This ability to capture pictures and information allows the integrator to more easily consult and collaborate with a long-time engineer for guidance. Overall, this ability to gather visual information and detailed notes helps integrators and their labor force bridge the domain expertise divide. How? By tapping into both virtual and real-time collaboration with a team!

Back to Richie Norton’s point about bridging the gap, let me ask you this: What’s the difference between people who see and seek gaps and those that see and seek bridges? ––– The first stops and stays on the side. The second, crosses and reaches new worlds. With this new intelligent system design platform and welcoming new talent onto your team, you will take that step into the new world of opportunities for your business!