It’s 2018, Do You Know Where Your IoT Devices Are?

7 Minute Read

cybersecurity, iotAs cybersecurity concerns continue to rise, it is integral to be aware of cyber risks and be vigilant when it comes to connecting IoT devices.

The 1970’s was a time of increasing political unrest and crime rates. In those days, radio and television stations would routinely air this public service announcement: “It’s 10PM: Do you know where your children are?”

The announcement reminded parents to be mindful of their kids’ activities and whereabouts to help keep them safe. Of course, in those days there were no cell phones or apps for tracking kids or contacting them. Without Caller ID, if the kids happened to call back home to check-in they could be anywhere and doing almost anything.

Now, as we enter 2018, the Internet of Things (IoT) extends well beyond the boundaries of a controlled “home” environment exposing them to a wide variety of threats. With the accelerating proliferation of far flung network attached devices and rising concerns about cybersecurity, it’s time for a new public service announcement: It’s 2018, do you know where your devices IoT are?

Read the full article by Christopher Hugman, P.E. of System Surveyor on Security Sales and Integration web site.