2020 Year in Review

7 Minute Read

Well, 2020 is one for the books.  Most importantly, we hope that you and your teams are healthy and able to work and be productive.  While we missed all of you at our industry shows, we appreciate you staying in close touch and for continuing to provide great feedback!

I’d like to thank our amazing product and development team for continuing to provide new features intended to make your life easier.  To our user community, we can’t do it without your feedback, so keep it coming.

What did we deliver throughout the year?  Here’s the 2020 recap:

  • Google Maps Integration: Use location based services in the field OR enter the address directly from System Surveyor, auto-scale and start surveying within 30 seconds. No need to convert to a PDF and import, saving valuable time.
  • Ability to add Element Profiles (Product Catalogs): Automate your bill fo materials by adding element profiles in any system type category for faster, easier drag-and-drop system design.  Find your favorite Manufacturer here or encourage them to add their elements to be ready for System Surveyor.
  • Device Accessories: One of the most requested feature enhancements is the ability to plan for accessories such as mounting brackets for video surveillance cameras or faceplates for door hardware. Now users can add this additional piece of equipment and automatically associate it with the related component. Device Accessories will be included in System Surveyor’s Budget Estimator feature as well as Enhanced Reports and Bill of Materials related to the device.
  • Enhanced Reports: Enhanced Reports exploit System Surveyor’s drag-and-drop design to automate the Bill of Materials for a project in one step. This makes reporting more powerful, flexible, and easier to use. While the Classic Reports options is still be available, the new Enhanced Reports are cleaner and more professional, with a branded format that is client or stakeholder ready.
  • Survey Comments feature: Users can easily communicate with other users from within the System Surveyor application. For example, during project implementation, a project manager can easily add a comment notifying the installation team of a new customer requirement. A commonly recognized @user mention alerts specific project team members to any new comments. They can comment back or take action, cutting down on difficult-to-find emails and texts or other external communications. This can be especially helpful with teams that work remotely from each other.
  • New Flex Cable Path: Easily and quickly configure cable runs between planned devices on the digital software with more flexibility and precision.  The Cable Path tool estimates cable lengths for a bill of materials and provides details for installation and cable pulls. 
  • 25+ New Element IconsThese include elements in high demand such as Video Doorbells, Health Scan Kiosks, and Vape Sensors that are gaining significant adoption in the industry. Every element in System Surveyor has intelligent attributes to help guide users through critical data capture to improve pre- and post-sales implementation. 

We’re proud of the results but we’ve got more in store! Get ready for an exciting 2021. We’re planning on new packages, new features and more – all with an eye to ease-of-use and an elegant experience. That’s one of the things that our users love about System Surveyor. It’s mobile, simple to use, it saves time….and it helps them deliver on the promise they make to customers and stakeholders.

That’s what we promise to you as well.  

Have safe and restful holiday.

What can we do better? Send us an email to [email protected].  Cheers!